Slides Application Feature Releases
Proposals Application Feature Releases
Managing a Database Feature Releases
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Other buckets for Proposals, Slides, and Forms:
Exciting things happening at Pitchly!
View and assign forms specific to each user through a custom dashboard.
Be sure to scroll to complete each of the form fields with the form you've selected.
"Your name" and "Your email address" marked with an asterisk are required for each form submission. They verify the number of times you submit the same form and allow your company admins to notify you if the the submission has been approved or revoked.
Admins have the option to notify you and send a message if the form has been approved or denied.
Just like the rest of the Pitchly Platform, My Forms operates in real-time. All changes made by an Admin to a form will update as soon as an admin clicks save. If the option to submit forms directly to the database has been selected for a your form, then your submission will populate the database immediately after you click submit.
To learn more about the Forms Application start exploring our Knowledge Base articles use the buttons below.
My Forms will be the first thing you see when you open the Forms Application. This new view gives you access to each of the forms available to you by an admin.
To complete a form, simply click on one of the form blocks with the name of the form you need to fill out. The form will appear and include each of the fields selected and designed for you by an admin in your company.
Once you've completed the form click the submit button to send your form back to an admin to verify for approval or to populate your database directly.
Sift through the mess of forms submissions by removing the responses that were sent by mistake. Click the remove button on the response you would like to delete within the Responses tab of any form.
On-Brand, Real-Time Data-Infused Documents at Your Fingertips
Using Pitchly’s Documents app, you can generate branded documents on the fly with the most current data and digital assets. Built on the Pitchly platform to normalize and structure your business data.
Get better use of your company IP. Make strategic decisions, data-infused PowerPoint slides, marketing materials, reports, or any business function powered by your data.
In the template builder, you can use a custom table to generate fields into a live document. Couple that with referenced fields and now you have access to fields in other tables too! It’s exactly what makes Pitchly such a powerful tool.
Build a template or use one of ours to generate branded documents. Whether it’s marketing collateral, sales proposals, or HR documents, you can ensure your documents maintain brand standards and the most current, up-to-date information for export to Microsoft™ PowerPoint.
Users must be granted Design permission in order to access the template designer.
Create different variations of your content that populate based on the records in your database.
The conditional formatting feature allows increased control over what data is displayed on document and design assets when exported. The feature allows you to set default instructions accompanied by additional if/then conditional instructions. A common example of how this feature is used includes masking confidential elements of a record such as a client name, logo or transaction amount.
Users must be granted Design permission in order to access the template designer window and apply conditional formatting to templates.
Copy the template you’ve built in one table and paste it into another.
Creativity takes time and so does building the perfect template. Now you don’t have to worry about recreating the same template in different tables. You can simply copy the template you’ve built in one table and paste it into another.
Search through all of the table fields available to you in the designer.
In the template builder, you can use your custom table to generate fields into a live document. Couple that with referenced fields and now you have access to fields in other tables too! It’s exactly what makes Pitchly such a powerful tool.
Use the search bar to easily find the field you’re looking for.
This button allows you to select fields from the database (aka table) you're in as well as any reference fields from the table of reference.
Move back to the previous version of your template.
We’ve added undo and redo buttons. Everyone makes mistakes, now Pitchly’s made it easier to fix those minor errors. Use these buttons when you need to move back to the previous version of your template.
Less clicks = faster fixes, the “Administer Forms” has been removed. As a Forms Admin, you can easily manage a form by jumping into form edits, share, or delete directly off of the home screen.
Click an individual menu from a Form
Choose between Edit, Share, or Delete
Choose "Edit" to visit the form designer window
Get better responses and fewer questions by giving your users more context behind the information you’re asking for, and why it’s important for them to share it with you.
Manage your form title by clicking into the text box under "TITLE".
You have the ability to add one line of text as a title.
Update the instructions by clicking into the text box under "Instructions"
Change text into a URL by highlighting the text you would like to change into a link, then clicking the link button, and then inputting the URL to the external link you would like to add.
Add a URL to the text by clicking the link button and typing in or copy and pasting the URL you would like to add.
bolding, underlining, or italicizing text
Change the color of your form
Get better responses and fewer questions by giving your users more context behind the information you’re asking for, and why it’s important for them to share it with you. Make your form instructions stand out with Italicized, Bold, or Underlined text. Share an additional form as a link within your instructions, or add an external site link for users to navigate to even more description.
Click the menu button on the form you would like to update (3 dots in the right hand corner of the form)
Select "Edit" from the menu button list
Select "Design" (the tab to the right of the "Fields" tab within the Forms App)
Staring at a bright screen all hours is a strain. We've made some changes to the Forms App to help fight that monitor fatigue!
It's now easier than ever to access all of the information to create, manage and share forms from the Forms App home screen. Allow for more submissions by adding custom company branding and instructional guidance.
Fewer clicks = faster fixes, the “Administer Forms” has been removed. As a Forms Admin, you can easily manage a form by jumping into form edits, share, or delete directly off of the home screen.
Click an individual menu from a Form
Choose between Edit, Share, or Delete
Choose "Edit" to visit the form designer window
Choose "Share" to get directed to that form's Share page. You'll be able to send the form via email or access the public URL.
Choose "Delete" to delete the form.
Sift through the mess of forms submissions by removing the responses that were sent by mistake. Click the remove button on the response you would like to delete within the Responses tab of any form.
Get better responses and fewer questions by giving your users more context behind the information you’re asking for, and why it’s important for them to share it with you. Make your form instructions stand out with Italicized, Bold, or Underlined text. Share an additional form as a link within your instructions or add an external site link for users to navigate to more instruction.
Click the menu button on the form you would like to update (3 dots in the right hand corner of the form)
Select "Edit" from the menu button list
Select "Design" (the tab to the right of the "Fields" tab within the Forms App)
Manage your form's title by clicking into the text box under "TITLE"
Update the instructions by clicking into the text box under "INSTRUCTIONS"
In the Instructions section you can now make your text Bold, Italicised, Underlined, or add an external link.
Change text into an external link by highlighting the text you would like to change into a link, clicking the link button, and then inputting the URL to the external link you would like to add.
Add a URL to the text by clicking the link button and inputting the external link you would like to add.
bolding, underlining, or italicizing text
Change the color of your form by adding a theme.
Want your form to stand out in the crowd? Share your branding when you email a form or share an external link. Update the Forms App with your name, tagline, and logo by clicking settings.
Build a relationship across databases
Each database is unique and has been built using custom fields, the records you keep, and referenced tables.
Created in the Manage database window, it is a relationship across databases. You can instruct this field to link and pull information contained in a separate database.
The integration to Templafy allows Documents to be generated and inserted into Word documents as images or PowerPoint presentations as images or slides.
An administrator will need to set the integration in Templafy. Integrations are set up on the screen below.
Select the Custom Content Connector.
Choose the custom content connector and populate as follows.
Display Name: Enter the name you want to display in the Templafy admin view of installed integrations
Asset Type: Select Images or Slide Elements from the drop down
Name: Enter the name you would like to display on the content tab in Templafy. In this example the name is 0Auth v2. This can be anything that makes sense for your use case.
If needed, add additional asset types. The Slide Elements asset renders editable content from your Pitchly account and is compatible with PowerPoint. The Images asset renders non-editable images that can be inserted in shapes/placeholders and is compatible with PowerPoint and Word.
Type: Select 0Auth 2 Authorization Code from the dropdown
Client ID: WWTekHhoex5ffz868
Scopes: readData
Learn more about the window.
Base URL:
Client Secret: Submit this to request the secret
Authorize Endpoint:
Token Endpoint:
Pitchy is the data-centric union that brings the data from your firm’s disparate applications into one place, to use and reuse in any way your firm needs.
Pitchly’s user-friendly interface gives you the power to import Excel files, sync with your data warehouse, or connect to other applications via API or Zapier, making it a flexible solution to get your work done more efficiently. Whether your content is tucked away in an on-premise database, spreadsheets, documents or presentations, Pitchly creates one source of truth for your teams to search, filter and segment data in seconds.
Our Slides, Docs and Templates Applications create branded proposals and pitches for Word and PowerPoint and maintain a library of self-service tombstones, representation lists, practice overviews, and attorney biographies generated from your experience.
Make it easy for attorneys and marketing teams to collect their experience with the Forms Application. Attorneys can receive and submit their experience for the database, as well as easily request marketing and business development resources. Team members are notified of new form submissions to review, edit, and approve before submission to the database.
Using Pitchly Web Publish, display attorney biographies, tombstones, and deal and representation lists. It will automatically push content to your website or intranet the moment it is created.
Pitchly implementation is quick and iterative. Allow our team to provide industry-specific guidance to grow engagement and give you a strong return on investment. Continue to find long-term success for your firm by partnering with our experts to design a solution to match your growth.
Connect Pitchly to hundreds of other apps with Zapier.
Zapier lets you connect Pitchly to 1,500+ other web services. Automated connections called Zaps, set up in minutes with no coding, can automate your day-to-day tasks and build workflows between apps that otherwise wouldn't be possible.
Each Zap has one app as the **Trigger**, where your information comes from and which causes one or more **Actions** in other apps, where your data gets sent automatically.
Sign up for a free Zapier account, from there you can jump right in. To help you hit the ground running, here are some popular pre-made Zaps.
Log in to your Zapier account or create a new account.
Navigate to "Connected Accounts" from the top menu bar.
Now click on "Connect new account" and search for "Pitchly"
Use your credentials to connect your Pitchly account to Zapier.
Once that's done you can start creating an automation! Use a pre-made Zap or create your own with the Zap Editor. Creating a Zap requires no coding knowledge and you'll be walked step-by-step through the setup.
Need inspiration? See everything that's possible with Pitchly and Zapier.
If you have any additional questions, you can reach out to contact@zapier.com.
Connecting to a SQL database is done from the Integrations screen on the main Pitchly account screen.
Port (if other than 1433)
Whether connection uses SSL
Name of the database
Name of the table (or view)
Whitelisting IP addresses with permission to access the SQL server is recommended, but not required. If you choose to whitelist, you will use the following IP addresses:
After the SQL server is connected, the Pitchly account will be populated with tables from the SQL database. By default, it will only import the table specified, but if Also import referenced tables is selected, all tables referenced by the originating table will also be imported and linked automatically in a chain reaction.
All data types, references, files, etc. are automatically assumed by the structure and setup of their SQL database. But these “best guesses” can be changed by us as needed.
Pitchly automatically maps field types in SQL to the closest equivalent field type in Pitchly, but there are some instances where you may want to use a different field type.
An example would be where you want to display a list of possible values in the filter for a field, so your employees can easily filter by checking values from the list instead of free-typing the value. SQL has no concept of dropdowns because the value is just stored as normal text, so it’s not possible for Pitchly to automatically know all the possible values that field will contain.
In this situation, the Pitchly team can modify the field type for you, but it is something we have to do manually on our backend. In the case of a dropdown field, we’ll also need a list of all the possible values you would like to show in that dropdown. While you can’t change the field types yourself today, no change is necessary on your side.
The primary key (in Pitchly, it’s called a primary field), is an automatically generated ID that is not human-friendly.
In Pitchly, it’s possible for you to keep your primary key set to this computer-generated ID but for us to display a different value as if it’s the primary field. This is valuable because it allows Pitchly to display friendly-looking references instead of cryptic random letters and numbers. It also does not require you to change your primary key and references across your entire database in order to make it look nice in Pitchly.
An example of this would be if an attorney has the ID att-123 and the name Jane Doe, we can assign Pitchly’s primary field as the attorney’s name, Jane Doe, while you leave the ID as the primary key in their SQL database. Users in Pitchly will see “Jane Doe” whenever that attorney is referenced instead of “att-123”.
Like changing field types, the primary field can be changed on our backend to refer to any field, but our engineering team must do it manually.
Normally, when the Documents app is installed on a database, it automatically creates a new field called “Template” which will store the name of the template a record is associated with. Because SQL Connect is currently read-only and we can’t create new fields in your database, however, this requires a different approach.
The choice of approach will be different depending on whether you are already storing a value in the table that you want to associate with each template. If there is an existing field that correlates to the desired template:
We will need all the possible values in this field. If it’s a “Matter Type” field, we will need a list of all the possible matter types in the database. We will need the exact values (uppercase/lowercase, etc. matters)
Connect the SQL database to Pitchly through the Integrations interface.
Provide the Pitchly team with the following information:
The table you’re connecting Documents to.
The field from step #1 that correlates to the template.
All the possible values that from step #1.
Engineering will manually designate this field as the field Documents should look at to determine which template to show per record and will return with already-created blank templates in the Documents app named for each template type.
Once complete, we will notify you that your account is ready to use If a field does not exist to correlate to the desired template:
If a field does not exist to correlate to the desired template:
Before connecting, you will need to create a new field in your SQL database. This field will store the name of the template that will be used to show records in the Documents app. You will create this field as a standard text field (ie: a varchar(255) field). It can be named anything, but it could be called “Template”.
Connect the SQL database to Pitchly through the Integrations interface.
Notify the Pitchly team with the following information:
The table you’re connecting Documents to.
The field that was created in step #1 that correlates to the template.
Engineering will manually designate the created field as the field Documents should look at to determine which template to show per record and will return with already-created blank templates in the Documents app named for each template type. Do not change the names of these templates, or they may stop working!
Once complete, we will notify your that your account is ready to use
All other apps, like Proposals and Slides, will work out of the box with SQL. However, you must configure any desired references in your SQL database that you would like to use in a document template.
Also keep in mind that SQL databases can reference fields in non-SQL databases. The databases can live side by side, even tables from different SQL databases.
Any and all changes to the fields in your SQL database as displayed in Pitchly have to be manually handled on our backend by engineering, since field changes are not automatically reflected or sync’d over time.
By default, all fields are imported at the time the connection was made, but we can manually hide or change certain fields (including their names or data types in Pitchly) if you choose.
For an image or file to show in Pitchly as an “attachment” field, it must be saved as a "binary", "varbinary", or “image” field type in SQL.
Pitchly’s connection to SQL is currently read-only. We can’t yet write back to the original SQL database.
SQL does not support Dropdown Multiple or Reference Multiple fields because they do not exist in SQL - we invented them for Pitchly. However, if a Dropdown Multiple is desired to show a comma-delimited list of values (such as for a document template), this can be accomplished creating a SQL “View” and following the directions in the following link. This will convert your list of values into a single comma-delimited text field: SQL Server
There are six different ways of interacting with your Pitchly account.
Creating an API Key in your Pitchly account can be done with just a few clicks. This allows the application of your choice to seamlessly share information across platforms.
You’ll find this in the upper right-hand corner of your Pitchly account.
The name is different for each organization.
In this example, our account is called “Basic Pitchly”
Located in your account settings.
This will generate your API key popup. Any established API keys will be found in here.
Located at the bottom of the popup window.
Creating a new key set will generate the information you need to connect Pitchly to the application of your choice.
This can be anything, but it’s best to make it specific. The name should show other team members what the API key interacts with.
How the connection interacts.
For example: “Updating our website with new and existing organizational achievements.”
This can be updated at any time after the API key is generated.
API Call Defined: the process that takes place after the API is set up and ready to go.
Create a call for WordPress: Get an API key from Pitchly. Create a Plugin for adding a widget to your WordPress site. Customize your plugin with your Pitchy API key and specific information you want to display in the widget. Use the WordPress Admin Area to place the widget on your site where you want it within your theme.
API keys will be listed in chronological order and can be edited by clicking into the key set.
In the Edit Key Set popup window, you can change the App Name, App Description, and Permissions as needed throughout the life of the key set.
Before generating an App Secret you will need to replace all instances of the old Secret in your applications with the new one.
Generating an App Secret will cause all API calls using the old secret to fail, and may break your existing applications!
Before generating an App Secret you will need to replace all instances of the old Secret in your applications with the new one.
Generating an App Secret will cause all API calls using the old secret to fail, and may break your existing applications!
To rotate keys with zero downtime, we alternatively recommend creating a new set of keys, transitioning all instances of this key in your applications to the new key, and then removing this key completely once you have verified all of your applications are working with the new key.
Single Sign-On (SSO) offers the ability for an external service (e.g. Microsoft Active Directory, Google) to authenticate your organization's users to Pitchly.
Note: Single Sign-On is not available by default in Pitchly's plans. It is negotiated and configured on a plan-by-plan basis.
User visits Pitchly sign-on page and provides their email address.
SSO is detected for user and they are redirected to their organization's login page.
Login credentials (email/username and password) are authenticated against their organization's identity provider/authentication service.
SSO service passes back a signal to Pitchly that a successful sign-on/authentication has occurred.
The user is automatically logged into and placed in the Pitchly application.
If your company's users encounter problems using your SSO service to authenticate to Pitchly, there are a few things to keep in mind to help troubleshoot.
Pitchly maintains a single e-mail address for each user in our system and that e-mail address must match at all points in the SSO process outlined above.
Example: User whose email is pitchlyuser@yourcompany.com
Step 1 - Pitchly sign-on screen: User enters pitchlyuser@yourcompany.com
Step 2 - Your company's SSO: User enters pitchlyuser@yourcompany.com (and password)
Step 5 - After successful SSO authentication, Pitchly expects to receive from your SSO provider: pitchlyuser@yourcompany.com
In addition to a single email address for each Pitchly user, a list of email domains eligible for SSO is also stored within your company's Pitchly settings. (In the example above, the email domain is: yourcompany.com)
The SSO email domain list is created and maintained by Pitchly tech support staff and is intended as an added layer of security. Any new or changed email domains within your organization must be communicated to us to prevent SSO sign-in errors.
Note: Microsoft's cloud-based offerings sometimes put their own branding in the email domain, e.g. yourcompany.onmicrosoft.com - While either domain at the end of an email address may authenticate within your SSO system, it will not ultimately match the final Step 5 above, where Pitchly is expecting pitchlyuser@yourcompany.com.
In this scenario, both checks on the full email address itself and the email domain with "onmicrosoft" in it would fail to authenticate with Pitchly (Step 5).
You will need the following information to make the connection.
Allow the App to read data from databases in an organization.
Allow the App to insert new records into a database.
Allow the App to update existing records in a database.
Allow the App to delete existing records from a database.
Allow the App to add fields to the structure of a database.
Allow the App to read information about users in an organization.
You will use the App ID and App Secret to create .
To regenerate the App Secret click the located directly next to the hidden App Secret.
When you connect Pitchly to your website you're putting your work on display. Let everyone see what makes your business a step above the rest.
Application Programming Interface or API - a tool that defines how two different software components should interact with each other. Create a path between systems by generating a secure API key.
An API key is a secure method of unlocking the path from Pitchly to another software component so the data you place in Pitchly can be shared through the software of your choosing.
Allow the App to read data from databases in an organization.
Allow the App to insert new records into a database.
Allow the App to update existing records in a database.
Allow the App to delete existing records from a database.
Allow the App to add fields to the structure of a database.
Allow the App to read information about users in an organization.
Best practices for updating the App ID and App Secret.
Generating an App Secret will cause all API calls using the old secret to fail, and may break your existing applications!
We recommend creating a new set of keys.
Transitioning all instances of this key in your applications to the new key.
Verify all of your applications are working with the new key.
Lastly, remove this key completely.
The App Secret will only be displayed this once and will never be displayed again, so save both the App ID and App Secret to a secure location. If you lose your App Secret, you must generate a new one, which you can do by editing a Key Set.
API keys will be listed in chronological order and can be edited by clicking into the key set.
In the Edit Key Set popup window, you can change the App Name, App Description, and Permissions as needed throughout the life of the key set.
To regenerate your App Secret click the located directly next to the hidden App Secret when you click into your key set.
To regenerate the App Secret click the located directly next to the hidden App Secret.